The CATcymru demonstrator project was financed through A4B from the European Union ERDF fund and the Welsh Government and was operational between 2009 and 2011. Its purpose was to showcase and promote the use of translation technology within the translation industry in Wales and transfer knowledge of cutting edge research and development in the field from academia to industry. It demonstrated how the use of appropriate tools could improve the quality and speed of translation processes.
What is CAT?
Computer Aided Translation (CAT) tools are the range of computing resources which can facilitate translation. This includes:
- Translation memory software
- Terminology and vocabulary resources
- Automatic pretranslation
- Language proofing tools
- File format validation tools
- Accounting and workflow management tools
- Prepare clear online demonstrators
- Arrange workshops for businesses and individual translators
- Create a National Terminology Portal on the web
What did the project achieve?
- Produced a report “Improved Translation Tools for the Translation Industry in Wales” (see below)
- Prepared online demonstrators of the technologies
- Held workshops for businesses and individual translators on subjects including:
- Translation Technology
- Language Codes and Locales
- Splitting Translation Memories
- Improving Results and Cutting Costs
- Translating and Bilingual Drafting
- Creating Company Glossaries
- Language Registers
- Held a Conference on Translation Technology and the Digital Economy
- Presentations at the National Eisteddfod (2010) and Association of Welsh Translators’ annual conference
- Created guidelines for managing multilingual websites
- Established the Welsh National Terminology Portal website
(Scroll through document for English)
Guidelines for Terminology Standardization for the Welsh Assembly Government
Guidelines for Terminology Standardization written by Delyth Prys a Dewi Bryn Jones for the Welsh Assembly Government.
The Welsh National Database of Terms is a website featuring a number of terminology dictionaries commissioned by the Welsh Language Board. It is no longer maintained, and we recommend that you use the National Terminology Portal for your terminology searches in its place.
A lively mailing list established and maintained by the Language Technology Unit to enable the discussion of Welsh language technical terminology and vocabulary including aspects of standardisation and dissemination.
Welsh-Termau-Cymraeg has over 250 members, with the majority of those being professional translators. However, membership is open to anyone with an interest in terms and terminology.
The National Terminology Portal of Wales brings together the content of terminology dictionaries developed since 1993 by the Centre for the Standardization of Welsh Terminology (and approved partners) on one easy to search website. The Centre for the Standardization of Welsh Terminology is now incorporated within the Language Technologies Unit.
Jones, D.B.; Prys, Delyth and Prys, Gruffudd (2011). Welsh National Terminology Portal: Bangor University, Bangor.
This is a national project which is funded by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (National Welsh College). It was established in 2009 with the objective of producing a series of standardized terminology dictionaries that will facilitate the study and teaching of a wide range of academic fields through the medium of Welsh at university level. These dictionaries have now been combined into one volume entitled Geiriadur Termau’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (National Welsh College Terminology Dictionary).
The project is led by Dr Tegau Andrews, whose responsibilities include researching terms and concepts and ensuring that terminology standardization work for this sector conforms to ISO international standards. She works in close collaboration with subject specialists across Wales, both academic and professional.
The initial part of this project consisted of editing three published terminology dictionaries for website publication. The subject fields in question were Law, Woodland Management and Psychology. Since then, standardization work has been undertaken in a variety of other fields, including International Politics, the Creative Industries, Mathematics and Physics, Chemistry and Business.
All dictionaries are concept- and consensus-based, and are available online on the Terms for Higher Education website and on the National Terminology Portal of Wales.

Andrews, Tegau and Prys, Delyth (2015) Geiriadur Termau’r Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol: Cardiff.
The next version of the Y Termiadur terminology dictionary is currently under development at Bangor University.
Y Termiadur Addysg is the latest in the series of Termiadur terminology dictionaries for school-age education. The Y Termiadur Addysg website ( enables searching for terms used in primary, secondary and further education.
Additional subjects are now featured, especially from the field of further education, as well as new entries for the existing subjects. The website also has a number of exciting features, including online games, and help with learning new terms.
These terms are also shown, together with all our other dictionaries of standardized terms, on the Welsh National Terminology Portal (, but without the games and additional information which are particular to Y Termiadur Addysg itself.
If you have specific requirements for terms in the field of education, or if you are aware of missing terms, please contact us.
Prys, Delyth and Prys, Gruffudd (2011-) Y Termiadur Addysg. Cardiff: Welsh Government.