Category Archives: Products


What is Cysgliad?

Cysgliad is a software package for your computer. It contains two main programs, namely Cysill and Cysgeir.

Cysill is a program for finding and correcting lingusitic errors in Welsh documents.  It recognises typing, spelling and grammar errors, including wrong mutations.  It also offers corrections where needed, and in the case of  grmmatical errors explains the nature of the error in order to help you avoid it in future.   Cysill also includes a mouse-over dictionary, which shows the translation of a word in the text when you hover your cursor over it.  Cysill also includes a thesaurus to help you find different words with similar meanings – a perfect way to expand your vocabulary!

Cysgeir is another program in Cysgliad, which provides a collection of different dictionaries in a convenient electronic format. It includes over a hundred thousand entries, and yet is easily searchable thanks to its smart, friendly interface.

For further information and to purchase Cysgliad go to

CyfieithuCymru (TranslateWales)

CyfieithuCymru(TranslateWales) is a comprehensive translation program to facilitate translation between Welsh and English. It is a cloud-based systsem, and therefore no software is downloaded to the translator’s individual workstation. It is available on a commercial licence by Bangor University.

The program has two main parts:

Rheolyn is an online environment for managing documents that require translating. It enables clients to submit documents to be translated by uploading the appropriate files to the website. This allows an administrator to assign the translation task to a specific translator. Once the translation is completed, the translator can upload it to the website where it can be downloaded by the client. In addition to facilitating the administration of the translation process, using Rheolyn ensures that all the work (including the original document in addition to its translation) is archived safely on dedicated servers. This also facilitates the production of statistics on how much work under various categories has been through the system in a specific period, and so aid better understanding and measurement of the translation workflow.

Cyfieithyn is an online translation interface for translators that can integrate directly with Rheolyn. Cyfieithyn enables translators to translate a document a sentence or a segment at a time in a dedicated interface whilst benefiting from translation memory and machine translation suggestions, grammar and spelling checking functionality provided by Cysill, and the ability to upload dedicated vocabularies to aid the translation process.

For further details of the system, please email